Pre-order your machines now. Everything’s going up!
If you buy now, we won’t start your full 2 year warranty until September , 2025!
Shipping @ 50%

We have a 50 lb. pecan cracking machine that is a demo model, at a reduced price.

Call for Special Pricing!

Welcome to Pearce Brothers Pecan Machinery Website
Manufacturer of Pecan Cracking Machines
We Sell & Buy Pearce Brother Pecan Crackers

It's always hard to beat our personal service!

The best pecan crackers and shellers on the market

Pearce Brothers takes great pride in custom crafting a range of hand-built pecan shelling machines, also known as pecan crackers. Our dedicated team designs, fabricates, paints, and sells commercial crackers that efficiently shell up to 100 pounds of pecans per hour. They’re also excellent for English walnuts, almonds, and peanuts!

Buy today and your full 2 year warranty won’t start until September, 2025.

See Crackers & CleanersContact Us For Purchase

For specifics about price, ordering and shipping, please contact us today

Pecan & Nut Crackers and Cleaners

If you buy now, we won’t start your full 2 year warranty until September, 2025!

Contact us directly for more information about our crackers

    11813 Liles Road, Bailey, NC 27807

    – open 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm –

    What our customers say